Athletic & Leadership Consulting
Coaches & Corporate Leaders
15+ Years of coaching experience at the College, High School and Youth AAU level across a diversity of sports drives our therapists and consultants to equip coaches and leaders with the social emotional competencies (listed below) to coach the whole athlete.
Participants will:
- Trauma Responsive Coaching Training
- Assessment of, and Strategic steps towards, cultivating Psychological Safety on Teams
- Staff Team Building - Identifying communication and leadership style preference.
- Empathy Coaching Training - Identifying empathy expressions that best fit coaching philosophy and team culture while driving performance.
Teams & Training Facilities
As a follow-up to two NCAA student-athlete well-being studies conducted in 2020, student-athletes continue to report elevated levels of mental health concerns. The data indicated rates of mental exhaustion, anxiety and depression have seen little change since fall 2020 and remain 1.5 to two times higher than identified before the COVID-19 pandemic. High School research data on athlete’s mental health, suicide thoughts, and increased reporting of the negative impacts of sports participation on families indicate a need for therapeutic education, assessment & intervention. AGC offers:
Participants will:
- Team Mental Health Consulting
- Pre-Season Emotional Agility team building
- Graduating Athletes: Emotional Transitioning for the next stage of life–addressing the grieving athlete and applying transferrable skills of leadership towards career goals.
- Suicide Prevention & Crisis Counseling for Teams
Systems Work with School Districts, Agencies, National & Community Based Organizations
Intentional strategy development among education agencies, relevant national organizations, and community-based organizations is crucial in addressing mental health among student athletes at a systemic level; ensuring equity in access to these supports in cities across America.
Participants will:
- Curriculum Development: collaborate with mental health experts to develop curricula that incorporate mental health education specifically tailored for student athletes. This can include topics such as stress management, resilience, self-care, suicide prevention, and recognizing signs of mental health issues.
- Training and Professional Development
- Policy Development: developing policies that prioritize mental health within school settings, including guidelines for identifying and supporting student athletes with mental health challenges.
- Resource Development: create and disseminate resources such as toolkits, guides, and online platforms that provide information, strategies, and support for mental health promotion and intervention among student athletes.